27th Annual Conference
5-7 February, 2020
The University of Guadalajara at Puerto Vallarta
The Australian and New Zealand Studies Association of North America invites scholars, graduate students*, professionals, writers, and artists to submit papers and roundtable discussions to its 27th annual conference, which, for the second time in ANZSANA’s history, will take place in Mexico, this time at one of the country’s top beach resorts, Puerto Vallarta.
ANZSANA welcomes proposals on any aspect of Australian or New Zealand as well as studies that analyze Australia or New Zealand from a comparative perspective. Since its founding in 1989, ANZSANA has promoted interdisciplinary research, and it continues to encourage proposals that bridge traditional divides between disciplines as well as those that employ diverse approaches. Areas of inquiry include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Political Science and International Relations
• History
• Philosophy
• Anthropology, Geography, and Sociology
• Law
• Gender Studies
• Indigenous Studies
• Literature
• Visual and Performing Arts
• Communication and Culture
• Business and Economics
• Pedagogy
• Ecology and Environmental Sciences
• Agricultural Sciences
*We offer a limited number of small travel grants to facilitate graduate student participation as well as remission of their registration fees. Graduate students must indicate their status as such in their proposals to be considered for a grant.
Deadline for submission of proposals is 3 November 2019
Notices of acceptance will be sent no later than 17 November 2019
Papers can be submitted individually or within a larger panel proposal. Papers must include a title, abstract, three tag words, and the author’s name and institutional affiliation to submit. Titles need to be less than 50 words and abstracts need to be less than 250 words.
Panels must have a title, abstract and three tag words as well as 3 to 4 papers (complete with title, tags, abstract and authors’ names and institutional affiliations) and 1 chair. Titles need to be less than 50 words and abstracts need to be less than 250 words.
Roundtables are designed for expert discussion on a topic, thus participants do not present papers. One chair and three participants are needed to submit a roundtable, along with title, three tags and abstract. Titles need to be less than 50 words and abstracts need to be less than 250 words.